Why Is a Metal Roofing Underlayment Important?

While the underlayment of your metal roofing system is not visible, step tile forming machine it helps protect your home from water damage. There are typically two underlayments used when metal roofing is installed on a home. Whether you have standing seam or metal shingle metal roofing, having the right underlayment will prevent moisture from damaging your deck and attic. Read on to learn more about the importance of metal roofing underlayments for residential roofing systems whether they are aluminum, copper or zinc. Why Roofing Underlayments are Essential The underlayment does not simply offer water protection to the deck, but it also provides a “slip sheet” for the metal to move on the roof deck due to expansion and contraction. Solar heat can make metal roofs hot even though they reflect the heat away from the building. The proper underlayment will keep your home safe and dry for a lifetime when installed correctly. Different Types of Underlayments Rubberized Asphalt – Rubberize...