
目前显示的是 十一月, 2020的博文

Keep The Home Fires Burning

So, does it surprise you that it is November already? It surprises us a bit. We have so enjoyed hearing from and working with thousands of homeowners this year that made decisions to make long-term investments in their homes with beautiful, worry-free, energy-efficient roofing systems. Given how roofing costs increase year after year, these homeowners are looking forward to no longer being in the cycle of buying a new roof every 15 – 20 years. Fact is, our homes are important to us. And, as we approach the winter months, our homes take on even more meaning, as we will be spending more time inside enjoying the comforts we have created within. There was a song that was popular during World War I titled “Keep The Home Fires Burning.” It referred to the importance of home. It was a reminder to those with family members fighting overseas of maintaining their homes as a bright place of warmth and cheer so that their loves ones would look forward to returning to it. Here are some of the lyric

What Is Your Roof Trying To Tell You?

We hope this message finds you warm and well. As temperatures dip and drop, we encourage you to, from a position of safety and warmth, “listen” to your roof. If you tell the neighbors that you want to “hear what your roof is telling you” this winter, they may be convinced you’re suffering from a bad case of cabin-fever! However, there is much you can learn by paying attention to your roof during cold, harsh weather. In this issue of our newsletter, we take a look at how you can understand what your winter roof is “saying” about your home. SNOW ON THE ROOF? If you end up with snow on your roof, pay close attention to how it melts. Ideally, it will melt evenly over your entire roof surface as the outside temperature warms up. If though, you see it melting in just certain areas, that indicates “hot spots” in your attic which are the result of warm air from the living space leaking into the attic. This is not only inefficient from an energy standpoint, but is also the chief cause of potent


So you’ve decided to purchase a steel building directly from the manufacturer. Congratulations! You have saved yourself a good amount of money by avoiding the middleman and his markup fee on the cost of your building kit. But you’re no construction worker, so… how do you get this thing built? You’ve got a couple options: You can hire a General Contractor (GC), or you can act as your own GC, hiring and managing all the sub-contractors. Your choice will be dependent on your knowledge of building construction and the amount of time and effort you are willing to put into the project vs. the convenience of paying someone else with the expertise and connections to manage it for you. You may even be able to participate in some of the building erection yourself. Hire a GC – Set it and Forget It! A GC is going to source, hire, manage and be liable for all sub-contractors and their work. They will have a pool of people who have different skillsets from which they can choose. A GC will source and


When you decide you want to get a quote for a steel building, the first question that may come to mind is, “How much is this going to cost?” Many people then think: “I don’t want to get ripped off!” or “I want to do this as cheaply as possible.” But the word “cheap” has a negative connotation for a reason, and Heritage does not sell “cheap” buildings. When it comes to an investment, like a steel building that you plan to use for decades, doesn’t it make sense to make sure you instead get a good value? Value is not defined as the lowest price you can get for an item. It is defined as “the relative worth, merit or importance of an item.” Steel is a sturdy and long-lasting material. Our buildings are warranted for decades and, if installed correctly, will last for generations. We are confident in the product we deliver, and the quality and experience of our customer service staff, and we assure you that our building kits are an excellent value. And a good value is never a rip-off. PRICE I