
目前显示的是 十一月, 2022的博文

Buy Based on Value, Not on Price

How Much Does It Cost? One of the first questions I hear from homeowners, contractors, builders and many others when discussing a lifetime metal roof is, “How much does it cost?” And, while I do my very best to answer that question, what I really want to say to them is “You’re asking the wrong question.” Price Is price important? Of course it is, don’t get me wrong. There are many things that I would LOVE to have, but I can’t afford them. Price is important, and it’s important that you don’t over-extend yourself financially. But, there is a question vastly more important than ‘how much does it cost’, and that is the question that we should be asking and examining when making a larger purchase like a new roof. Imagine with me, if you will, that my phone were to ring and my good friend on the other end were to say ‘Hey Aaron, do you want to buy a new car for $40,000?’ My answer, at this point in time, would be ‘No’. For one, I am not in the market for a new car at the moment (though, my

Dealing with Corrugated Metal Roof Leaks

How to Deal with Corrugated Metal Roof Leaks Properly A corrugated metal roof can make for an acceptable covering for out buildings and barns, but are definitely not the choice of discriminating homeowners. Being made of steel, they’re tough and wind-resistant when installed properly. They come in wide sheets to cover your entire roof with relatively few seams. The installation method is face fastened through the panel with screws and rubber grommets. However, they’re not immune to damage or leaking. The moment you see a sign of leakage, usually due to failed screws and grommets, call in a professional to handle the repair. The only thing you can DIY for leakage control to prevent further damage is to get out the caulking gun. If you ask Classic Metal Roofs, here are the things you should consider when you are faced with these problems. Get Rid of Puddles on the Floor First of all, wipe any wet spots on the floor to avoid accidents from corrugated metal roof leaks. This is especially i

5 Types of Metal Roofing Colors

One of the best features of metal roofing is it can accommodate virtually any color, which gives you more flexibility with your exterior color palette. Metal roofing installation expert Classic Metal Roofs LLC takes a look at the metal roofing colors available for metal roofs. Standard — Standard roof coating is like regular paint in terms of color selection and application. It is the most budget-friendly option, yet can withstand most weather conditions. Color names and shades vary per manufacturer, or even per style. To ensure you get the right shade, ask for samples. Special Order — The term “special order” applies to blends or colors that may be the sum of one or more of standard colors. Some manufacturers offer colors that mimic multi-tone mixes that resemble textures like copper or bronze. Two-Tone — Two-tone or variegated roofing colors feature two tones of the same color, which achieves a similar effect as dimensional or architectural shingles. When viewed from the curb, it rea

Cool Metal Roofing: Everything You Need to Know

Cool roofs are often associated with flat roofing. Thanks to metal roofing, homeowners can also enjoy the benefits of cool roofs without having to make drastic changes to the roofing structure. Metal roof company Classic Metal Roofs LLC discusses an in-depth look at cool metal roofing. How Do Cool Roofs Work? A typical roof absorbs heat from the sun, which can still get through into the indoor living space. Even with adequate insulation, this can still happen. This is because dark-colored surfaces absorb heat, whereas light-colored surfaces reflect heat from the sun. It works the same way as wearing a white or light-colored shirt under the sun; you feel cooler and more comfortable than wearing a dark one. Cool roofs need to be able to reflect sunlight, as well as radiate already-absorbed heat. The roof can either be colored white or have a special reflective coating that allows the use of other colors as dictated by the building’s color palette. Cool Metal Roofing One of the best featu

Are Home Improvement Loans Tax-Deductible?

Every contractor, metal roofing contractors or otherwise, have told you that upgrading your home is a significant but necessary expense. Sometimes you have to take out home improvement loans. There’s nothing wrong with this, but there is the lingering question of whether those loans are tax-deductible. In this post, Classic Metal Roofs LLC discusses if your home improvement loan is tax-deductible. Home Improvement Loans: Are They Tax-Deductible? A question often asked by homeowners and the short answer is yes. It is possible for a tax deduction from a home improvement loan via the loan interest as long as you meet two conditions. The first would be your home improvement loan must be secured by your primary residence, which means the home must be the one you are living in. The second is using the proceeds to improve the property in a substantial manner, such as changing your previous roofing system to a better one, like metal shingle roofs or standing seam metal roofing. These “substant

The Qualities That Make Metal Roofs Resilient

Metal roofs are nothing if not resilient. With proper care and maintenance, metal roofs can last 100 years or so; 5-6 times as long as the typical asphalt shingle roof. Metal roofing installation specialist shares an in-depth look at what makes metal such a resilient roofing system. Impact Resistance Compared to most other roofing types, metal roofs have better impact resistance than most other residential roofing systems. Whereas hail damage is a common problem with asphalt shingle roofs—and has been the point of dispute with many roofing insurance claims—metal roofs merely get minor dents at worst. This can be a critical quality if your home happens to be in the middle of a hailstorm, or if a sudden burst of airborne debris hits your roof. Corrosion Resistance Quality metal roofing is corrosion-resistant. Both metal shingles and standing seam aluminum roofing features a durable Kynar coating that keeps them from getting exposed to the elements. You can also choose to have a copper or