
目前显示的是 六月, 2022的博文

Metal Roofing: Are You a Proactive Homeowner?

It’s hard to believe but Isaiah Industries is closing in on 40 years as a leading specialty metal roofing manufacturer. While the company was started by my father, I have been here pretty much every step of the way, working through high school and college and joining full time the week after college graduation. Along the way, I have learned a lot of lessons, and I still strive to learn each and every day. One of the lessons I remember learning many years ago is that homeowners who choose quality metal roofs are very proactive consumers. I remember many years ago being in Sacramento for a week of sales calls on contractors and distributors. One morning, I had an appointment cancel on me so I took the opportunity to drive through a nice neighborhood and write down a couple of hundred addresses of homes that obviously needed roofs. When I returned to my office in Ohio, I then mailed letters and brochures to all of those addresses, thinking that surely I’d find a few homeowners who were re

What big things in roofing will impact homeowners?

What a rapidly changing world we live in. We recently exhibited at the International Roofing Expo and this leading roofing show is so different from what it was just 10-15 years ago. We daresay that, if you took someone from 20 years ago and dropped them into this show today, they’d swear they are in some cutting-edge technology show – not a roofing show at all. Roofing, just like technology, is following Moore’s Law which addresses the ever-increasing speed of change and advancement. We are seeing a rapid succession of product developments, and the inclusion of technology in such roofing areas as measuring, marketing, estimating, visualizing, and sales. These are exciting times! And, it gets us to thinking … Back in 1996, well-known futurist Watts Wacker posed a question that continues to guide businesses today – “What comes after what comes next?” Just as the Hall of Fame hockey player Wayne Gretzky often said, “To be successful, you have to play where the puck is going – not where i

An Easy 5 Step Plan for the Right Metal Roofing Decision

Where do you start in choosing a new roof?  We understand that it isn’t something you very often, and making a choice can be difficult. That’s why we’ve come up with a 5 step plan to help homeowners choose a metal roof that will last a lifetime so that you can feel confident in your decision and investment. Start with identifying what you need and then determine how to meet that need best. One essential thing is to follow the right steps to a decision, rather than allowing your contractor to set those steps, which arrives at their decision, not yours.  5 Steps to the Right Metal Roofing Decision for You and Your Home What do you need? The first step is to set your Purchasing Criteria to determine what the “must-haves” are for your new roof.  Choose the product. Your next step is to find the product that best meets those criteria The products manufactured by Classic Metal Roofing Systems, along with those made by our sister brands, Green American Home and Kassel & Irons, offer a wid

Under A Classic Metal Roof:There’s No Place Like Home

What does a metal roof have to do with a classic phrase? In his book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum says something that has been quoted millions of times since: “There’s no place like home.” Few of us have difficulty picturing Dorothy in the movie clicking the heels of her ruby slippers together, repeating: “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.” This recollection may bring back great childhood memories or perhaps just remind you that your home can be your base – your comforting respite from the worries of the day. While the last few months may have found you quarantined at home and sometimes wanting to curse the walls around you, your home should still be regarded as a place of comfort and peace, no matter what is going on in the world around you. When he was in first grade, our president Todd Miller won an essay contest on “What My Home Means To Me.” His final line in that essay was “A happy place to be.” We pray that is the case for you as well. In our