Successful metal building sales— in fact, successful sales for any product— start with creating a relationship of mutual respect with your buyer by providing excellent customer service.

Iconic representation of a customer service representative.J.C. Penney understood that. 

When Penney opened his first dry goods store in 1902 in Wyoming, he called it the Golden Rule store.  Penney said, “Every great business is built on friendship.”

Over 100 years later, he is still right.

No Business Succeeds without Excellent Customer Service
Millions of dollars spent on advertising cannot duplicate the results of satisfied customers who not only buy from you again, but refer others to you. 

Furthermore, no amount of advertising can compensate for unhappy customers who not only never return to your business, but also actively discourage everyone they know from buying your product.

Photo of a smiling man on a phone with a customer service rep.Consequently, excellent customer service is critical to competing effectively in any business.

According to recent statistics from Microsoft, 96% of consumers say excellent customer service is important to their brand choices. 

In fact, according to Dimensional Research figures report on Nextivia, those surveyed said excellent customer service was their number one reason for placing their trust in a company.

In the same report, Harris Inactive statistics show 89% of consumers switch to a competitor after a poor customer service experience.

In addition, slighted customers do not keep their customer service grievances to themselves.  AE found men, on average, tell twenty-one people about their poor customer service.  Women, on the other hand, share their customer service complaints to an average of ten people.

Therefore, businesses that train their sales force to use high-pressure sales tactics and to do whatever it takes to “jerk the check,” are simply cutting their own throats. 

Our Metal Building Sales Rely on Repeat Customers
RHINO steel buildings sales depend upon a quality product, satisfied returning buyers, and happy customers who refer others to RHINO.  Consequently, we are determined to offer the best steel buildings and the best service in the industry.

And that strategy is working.

In the past twelve months, over 30% of our metal building sales came from repeat customers and those referred to us by previous clients.  In an industry where many people may only need one metal building in their lifetime, that is a huge number of repeat/referral sales.

In addition, RHINO maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

We are proud of earning the trust of our customers.  We will honor that trust by our continued commitment to providing the best metal buildings in the industry— and excellent customer service.

How RHINO Stands Out from the Common Herd
At RHINO, we treat every person we speak to in the same manner we would like to be treated.  It is just that simple.  We are:

COURTEOUS:  At RHINO, we believe in treating everyone with utmost courtesy.  Great customer service begins with old-fashioned good manners. 

RESPECTFUL:  We have a right as consumers— indeed as human beings— to be treated with respect.  We want our questions and concerns treated seriously.  We all want someone to really listen to us. 

RHINO believes we should treat everyone with respect.  We will listen to your questions, and give clear, concise answers. 

KNOWLEDGEABLE:  Nothing is more annoying than finally reaching a live person at a business, only to realize you have reached an overseas call center.  They speak to you as they read from a slapped-together manual of pat answers.

RHINO’s steel building specialists have years of experience in the steel structure industry.  You can rely on the expertise of our steel building professionals.

DEPENDABLE:  Have you ever waited for hours or days to receive a callback?  Maddening, isn’t it?  Suddenly you feel more like a number and less like a valued customer.

We strive at RHINO to provide prompt and dependable service.  We are determined to go the “extra mile” and exceed your expectations.

SINCERE:  Friendly service means nothing if it seems phony or insincere.  No one likes an overly gregarious salesperson with a forced and heavy-handed charm.

Ray Kroc, the genius behind the success of McDonald’s, said, “If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you are doing and always put the customer first, success will be yours.” 

At RHINO, we actually like our business.  We really love working with our customers.  In fact, many of our buyers have become true friends over the years. 

RHINO is Available When You Need Us
Perhaps Arthur Frederick Shelton, business teacher and an early leader in the Rotary Club, summed up the secret to true commercial success in only six words: “He profits most who serves best.”

But how are you best served when you cannot reach your metal building sales rep when needed? 

At RHINO, we are:

AVAILABLE:  We have all experienced that automated runaround when trying to contact a business. 

You know the drill.  “Press one for service.  Press two for billing.  Press three for order status.  Press four for company hours.  Press zero to speak to an operator.”  So, you press zero and hear, “All of our operators are busy at the current time.  Press one for…”

Living, breathing service professionals answer our phones at RHINO.  Our friendly and experienced team is there for you every step of the way. 

photo of a metal building sales man on the phone with a customer.PROBLEM-SOLVERS:  Sadly, some people find a company is all hearts and flowers while they are being “wooed” to buy.  After placing the order, suddenly their “best buddy” in sales is “unavailable” when problems arise. 

RHINO never neglects or avoids the customer after the sales.  We do our best to make your steel structure experience problem free. 

However, if problems do arise, we do not abandon our customers after the metal building ships.  With all our combined years of experience, it is unlikely you can have any problem that we have not encountered— and solved— before. 



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