Home Sweet (Metal) Home: Living in a Worldwide Steel Building
Home ownership has long been a major part of the American Dream. As the decades go on, though, there are more and more reasons to think owning a home might not be attainable. The financial considerations are massive, urban sprawl and developer monopolies reduce choices, and the environmental impact of building a traditional wood construction residence is enough to make some would-be builders reconsider.
But there’s another option.
More and more people are making a new smart choice and building a metal house … a Worldwide Steel metal house, to be specific. Here’s why:
Save money
When you build a metal home with a Worldwide Steel kit, you’re saving money right off the bat (the national average build price for a steel building home is $70-90 a square foot, compared to $110-130 for conventional wood construction). You’re also saving money during the build process (our building kits go up a lot faster than traditional construction, no matter how elaborate your interior) and over the life of the home. Steel requires much less maintenance than wood and siding, it lasts longer, it costs less to insure, it’s fire-resistant and non-combustible, it’s less susceptible to infestations and won’t ever mold or mildew.
Make it your own
You don’t have to choose from a developer’s portfolio of model homes to plop in the middle of a hundred other beige cookie cutter builds. With Worldwide Steel, your imagination (… okay, and the laws of engineering) is your only limit. We offer open concepts with clear spans, multiple roof pitches, dormers, wrap-around porches and a variety of colorways. Check out our Online 3D Building Designer to begin designing your own floor plan.
Work with the earth and the elements
Metal homes won’t rot, warp, split, shrink or decompose, they’re less vulnerable to termites, bore bees and other pests, and they’re a lot stronger than wood construction in the face of fire and natural disasters, meaning your steel home can stand up to the elements like a champion. Beyond that, it’s a green alternative. A metal home uses less heat and air (when insulated correctly) when you’re living in it, and is environmentally-friendly during the build process (a 2000 square foot steel house is made of the equivalent of about six junk cars … compared to the 40-50 mature trees for a comparable wood house).
What sets WWSB steel and metal homes apart?
A lot of companies that claim to offer steel and metal houses are actually selling wood-framed buildings with sheet metal siding … a “solution” that doesn’t really solve much of anything. Not only do you lose many of the benefits outlined above, but you run into issues with cord bracing, wind bracing and truss depth. The requirements for each of these mean you’re going to lose space and aesthetic appeal on your interior finish. But not with Worldwide Steel. Our tube leg steel buildings work perfectly as residences because there’s no need to build perimeter stud walls, trusses don’t intrude into the living areas, there’s no cord bracing in the walls that intrude into the interior, and no trusses to work around.
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