Future Steel Receives Government Grant to Enhance International Market Efforts

In July of this year, Erin O’Toole, parliamentary secretary to the Minister of International Trade, visited Future Steel in Brampton and announced the federal government’s plans to contribute funding of over $120,000 to the CME (Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters).   This funding is part of Canada’s GOA (Global Opportunities for Associations) program that is designed to help create new opportunities in overseas markets for Canadian companies.

The CME, as part of the mining sector, is one of the 38 different industry associations receiving a portion of up to a $3 million dollar total contribution the government of Canada is making via the GOA program this year.

Future Steel and similar small to medium-sized enterprises depend on their industry sector associations to represent them in foreign countries and this funding will enable them to make new business contacts and connect with clients around the globe.

Future Steel has been in the business of fabricating steel buildings for nearly 40 years and is positioned to use this influx of GOA support to develop and implement its international growth plan.

Future Steel stands out as a leader in its field because of its “Think around the obstacles” approach to each and every job it takes on.  They have the expertise and experience to develop structures that fit their customer’s needs and help them expand and grow their business.  They are so popular because they believe that by helping their customers build their business, the business of Future Steel will grow as well.  This has been a successful formula because over the years a large portion of their revenue has been the result of referrals or repeat business.  Trusted and respected, they are excellent ambassadors for the programs created by the GOA for the CME.

As the name suggests, Future Steel is always looking forward to the future to new innovations by its internal specialists, and new smart applications for its steel products.  The whole industry benefits as Future Steel keeps raising the bar for quality, ease of use, and solving customer problems around size, usage, features, location, schedule and cost effectiveness.  In addition to these basic building blocks of a great business model, Future Buildings covers a wide range of applications from small do-it-yourself garage kits for the home owner to enormous industrial installations for multinational corporations.

Now with this additional support from the GOA via the CME, Future Buildings can expand its international strategy to shipment of thousands of steel buildings to hundreds of countries worldwide.

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