5 Types of Commercial Steel Buildings

From office spaces to supermarkets, Allied Steel has helped commercial firms of all kinds design and install customized steel buildings in nearly every U.S. state, not to mention almost every continent. Our specialty is engineering commercial buildings that incorporate the needs of our corporate clients, large and small, all under one roof. Let’s take a look at the five main types of commercial buildings that we specialize in building.


Bar none, our commercial warehouse designs are some of our most popular because they are customizable in a way that gives our clients complete control over floor plans and aesthetic appeal. There’s no compromise on affordability, functionality, or durability. Whether you intend to use your space for temporary or long-term storage or for furniture or large machinery, we can design a building fit exactly to your inventory specifics and needs.


Because of their unique customizability, steel buildings are fast becoming the preferred structures for office spaces all over. An Allied Steel building can be drafted with flexible layouts and floor plans that can include skylights, mezzanines, enclosures, and multiple floors. They can also be finished with colorful steel panels, glass, brick, block, stone, or stucco to create the perfect image for your business. Even better, steel is the most recycled substance on earth. So, by choosing steel for your office, you’re choosing a green material that will be green to the environment (and your image).

steel buildingsShopping Centers

Strip malls today include an eclectic mix of retailers and service industries that have different commercial needs, which is why so many shopping center developers are turning towards steel as their go-to building material. Unlike other framing substances, steel can easily match demands for unusually large strip malls that need to cater to a range of different storefronts. It remains cost-effective all the same. Steel is also modular, meaning it can adapt quickly as tenants come and go, which is often the case in malls.

Aircraft Hangars

You know what’s more expensive to build and maintain than a steel building? An airplane. This is why commercial aircraft companies must have safe storage and factory options available that can resist damage from termites, mold, winds, water, fire, lightning, and even earthquakes. The modular capacities of steel make it perfect for building hangars, structures that inevitably require specialized retrofitting such as sliding or vertical access doors, mezzanines, cranes, skylights, vents, and more.

Medical Clinics

More so than most buildings, medical facilities such as hospitals and veterinary clinics require customized and adaptable designs that are able to keep up with high volumes of daily traffic and the ever-shifting landscapes of technology. Not only is steel the strongest building material, perfect for ensuring the safety and security of thousands of patients and employees, it also offers flexibility suited perfectly to the nuanced layouts and functions that medical buildings often require.

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