Metal Roofs – As Seen on TV

You may be an avid television watcher, as are most Americans. If you pay attention to subtle touches of picture composition and framing in TV ads or shows, you may have noticed items that create a feeling of familiarity or association. It could be a vibrant garden, that red sports car, or a cabana situated on a tropical island.  It could also be an as seen on TV metal roof message, as well.

Metal Roofs As Seen on TV

Placement of “props” and background scenes are common in creating messaging or eliciting association with a topic. We have noticed that metal roofs are becoming a common background image in certain shots. A rustic wilderness setting with a metal-roofed cabin or modern home in suburban neighborhood messages the viewer with the idea of permanence and strength.

Metal Shingle Roofs

Standing seam, vertical panel, and raised seam roofs are all essentially the same look, regardless of the name given to them. Metal shingle roofs are being widely used in insurance ads. These are the most popular metal roofs used on television since they’re easily recognizable as being a strong permanent elegant material.

Home renovation and house flipping shows are very popular these days. When a contractor is looking to impress his clients and audience, they most often move to replacing the roof with an attractive metal roof. Sometimes it is just an accent roof in a quality metal like copper to make the home pop. We are even starting to see metal panel siding on some modern homes.

Metal Roof Placement

Next time you watch TV, pay attention to the details in the foreground and background to see if you notice anything familiar, and why. It becomes quite interesting being able to determine why certain items are “in the frame.”

We know metal roofs are not the star of the show, but they tend to be great supporting props for various reasons. If you see a metal roof “as seen on TV,” just remember, there is probably a reason for it other than just some random placement.

Metal roofing is becoming the popular choice among discerning homeowners. It’s the fastest-growing segment of the residential roofing industry. There are several roofing companies now advertising metal roofs on TV.

Learn more about why metal roofs have become the go-to roof when an asphalt roof replacement is needed. Also, new construction is opting in for metal in record numbers here in MA, RI, CT and NH. Learn why here. ”The best roofs under the sun…….and snow” in New England.

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