Now is the Time to Install Metal Roof Snow Retention
Although it may not seem like it, our first snowfall isn’t that far off. Most years, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut average one snowfall in November. Rhode Island has snow a bit later into December, according to the Weather Channel. However, once we start seeing significant snow, it’s not too late for the installation of metal roof snow guards.
Why Are Metal Roof Snow Retention Brakes, Fences or Guards Necessary?
Unlike some other roofing materials, metal roofing, especially aluminum roofing panels like standing seam metal roofing, are prone to what we refer to as the snow avalanche. It happens when accumulated snow begins to melt and comes off a roof in a large and potentially damaging slide. Metal roof snow guards also referred to as snow retention systems, snow fences or snow brakes, keep the snow on the roof as it melts. It’s safer for your family so that no one is hit with falling snow. Snow guards also protect your landscaping. We can install these once you have snow on your roof. But the snow would have to be removed from the roof to provide a safe environment for the installation.
A Roofing Inspection is a Good Idea, Too
If your roof is more than five years old and you’ve never had a roofing inspection, you should call your roofing company and request one. They will look at the various elements of your roof and recommend maintenance or repair prior to winter. Some things they’ll check include:
Chimney cap
Roof health
Metal roof flashing and its sealant
Fascia & Rakes
We may even recommend you consider a roof replacement depending on the issues we find. Once the snow is on your roof, it can’t be replaced until it’s cleared of snow. Depending on your roofing material, it may not even be advisable to repair your roof until temperatures are well above freezing.
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